The Half Up Half Down

Give your hair an ultra-glam makeover with The Ultimate Glam Half Up Half Down 16" synthetic clip-in extensions & ponytail. She comes with 1 mini ponytail & 3 clip-in extensions for 4+ looks with head-turning volume & length and is 330 grams. The pre-styled synthetic hair arrives as defined, swooped ends that are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural hair. Please note: This product is final sale and cannot be returned.

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Echt de moeite waard
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Beste extentions ooit, snelle levering , vriendelijk personeel reageert ook altijd snel! Echt de moeite waard alle extentions van hun!
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Für den preis wirklich unschlagbar.
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Eine tolle und günstigere alternative zu normalen clip in Extensions. Glamouröse Frisuren in nur 10 minuten. Mann kann das set als half up half down look tragen, nur den ponytail oder als verdichtung. Für den preis wirklich unschlagbar.
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The color is perfect
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The color is perfect & it fits very good. Due to my thin hair I cannot wear both parts together but I can wear them separately.
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I'm in LOVE!
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I'm in LOVE! I have naturally thin hair but within a few minutes I got the most beautiful hair and they're really comfortable to wear through out the whole day!

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