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Luxuriöser ponytail in Sekunden.


Verwandle deine Haare ohne sie zu färben.
Styling tools

Styling tools

Deine Haare zu stylen war noch nie so einfach.

Warum Luxury For Princess?

Erzielen den Look von dem du schon immer geträumt hast - unsere hochwertigen Clip-in Hair Extensions werden mit jedem Tag beliebter.

  • 100% Remy human hair
  • Weltweiter Versand
  • Schnell & Einfach
  • 30 Tage Umtausch / Rückgabe
  • Absolut schonend zum Eigenhaar
  • Länge & Volumen innerhalb weniger Minuten

Hair Transformations.

What our customers say.

"I'm a loyal customer for over 3 years now and I can definitely say that Luxury For Princess changed my Hair Game! I never had such natural looking clip-in hair extensions like these."
"I've been using these Luxuries for over 5 years now. They are, handsdown, the best clip-ins I have ever had, I love the texture and how it perfectly blends in my natural hair."
"Silkiest extensions I've ever purchased! Length/volume is GREAT and color blends beautifully with my real hair."
"The color is just perfect if you have highlights in your hair, it blends so well. And the hair is thick and shiny, such a great quality. "
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